Welcome to my website
Singer/songwriter, musician, digital artist, photographer and hopeful author. I'm just a guy trying to experience as much of the creative possibilities as I can.
If I'm not out somewhere in North san diego performing and enjoying the friendship of the local live music supporters, you'll likely find me sipping on a cold dr. pepper and busily attacking my keyboard working on the next book idea.
Well, I ask that question everyday. You really have to enjoy writing to try and make something out of it. Getting a story idea is only that iceberg's tip. I Just start typing. We're called 'pantsers', you know, writing by the seat of our pants. But, even if you are an organizational freak who outlines and prepares, it is daunting enough. There's scene setting, painting a picture with words about where your characters are. You have to develop those characters too; moods, tendencies, habits, quirks, physical appearance, etc. You have to create a story arc, conflicts, resolutions and more. Then you have to write it, yes, in words, on a keyboard, one at a time. You have to have your characters interact, talk to each other, create believable dialog.
You'll need a compelling title, of course, a back cover text that draws interest, blurbs that are pointed, interesting blasts about the story. You have to design a cover, get a concept, find an artist if you are not digitally savvy. You have to format the book to upload for sale. Oh wait, but not until you edit that monster you created. If you think any of that other stuff was difficult wait until you start editing. There's spelling, grammar, punctuation, repeated words, sentence run-ons, blah. blah.
Here's an even better part. After you have accomplished all of that, you have done about 10% of the work. Yes, I know. "That can't be right." You're shaking your head. Okay, maybe it's not entirely true, UNLESS you only want to sell 37 copies to friends and family. But if you actually want to be compensated for all of your brilliance. Marketing your book will literally kill you. How to push it, where to push it, why isn't it selling? Do I need to rewrite it? Do I need a new cover? What did I do wrong? The constant questioning of your own capabilities, self doubt, oh the anxiety.
Despite that there are many out there who are so proficient that they kick out book after book and make it seem easy. That's not me. You know why? Because I can't write that fast and I don't know much about marketing, digital or otherwise.
If anyone think this is easy for the first time author they are crazy. It is cumbersome and demanding and exhausting at best and I give kudos to all who have come before me and accomplished the task. Sure, if you're Clive Cussler or James Patterson or some other genius this is easy and they have help. A publishing company behind them, editors, copy editors, developmental editors, agents. Some have co-writers and ghost writers and they get circulation and publicity and of course something we'd all like a little of for our efforts...MONEY.
Having ranted unintelligibly I have to say that I've Joined a small group of achievers. I have also now accomplished the task. I wrote a book. The sales are rocketing. I'm told most self published authors will not even sell 50 copies of their books. I'm definitely self published. I hope to make the Jump to successful self-published author. I can't do it alone, I need your help. As with so many things in life it takes a village.